The Lorain County Engineer's Office primary function during the summer season is keeping Lorain County's highways and roads in the best possible condition they can be. During this time we provide many services such as chip and seal/resurfacing, litter control, pavement markings, and various road improvement programs. It is very important that as a driver on Lorain County roadways you're cautious of established work zones by observing certain safety tips:
Spring and summer construction has arrived! Here are some tips on Work Zone Safety:

- When approaching a work zone, observe all signs prior to the construction area. These signs will inform the driver what is ahead.
- Construction ahead
- Merge (left or right)
- One lane traffic
- Flagger ahead
- All signs and traffic control devices are different for each work zone
- The Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) was designed to save lives and create a safe work zone for the driver and the people inside the work zone.
- Reduce speed when driving through a work zone.
- Be alert and watch for any unexpected activity.
Be patient, lower radio volume, and do not use cell phones (emergency vehicles may unexpectedly need to go through the work zone) so you are fully aware of all your surroundings at all times in the work zone.
- Keep a safe assured distance between you and the driver ahead in case of a sudden unexpected stop. (Do not tailgate)
- Use common sense and follow instructions from the flaggers and other traffic control devices.
*** Have a Safe and Happy Summer***
Pavement markings are traffic control devices on the roadway to notify drivers of lane changes, school zones, railway crossings, turn lanes, centerlines, no passing zones, edge lines etc.
- Every year the Lorain County Engineer is responsible for maintaining signage and pavement markings in Lorain County. In the spring and summer months these pavement markings are replaced and/or re-painted often. When driving please observe the "wet paint" signs and cones that are set out on the roadways to protect this process while the paint is drying.
When driving please be patient and don't drive on or thru wet pavement markings because it takes several minutes for paint to dry. (The Lorain County Engineer's Office uses water based paint with glass beads imbedded in the paint for reflectivity.)
- The Lorain County Engineer is not responsible for cleaning motorist vehicles for driving thru or on wet paint.
- Please observe speed and safe driving habits at all times.
It Could Save Your Life
Always Yield to Emergency Vehicles You Could be Saving a Life.
Every day, emergency vehicles respond to urgent requests for service from the public. The call may be for an armed robbery in progress, a baby who has stopped breathing or a fire alarm. Minimum response time by the emergency services is essential. Precious time lost while on the way to an emergency could be the difference between life and death.
As a driver, it is your responsibility to know what to do when approaching an emergency vehicle or passing a stationary emergency vehicle.
Over the past several years in Ohio, more than 20 public safety vehicles have been involved in fatal crashing; 3,500 in injury crashes; and 8,000 in property damage crashes.
Rules to live by: It's the law
by state law, when driving, you must yield to the right for all moving public safety vehicles. You must yield to the left, if possible, for all stationary public safety vehicles.
Moving Public Safety Vehicles with Lights and Sirens:
Traffic in both directions must pull to the right and stop. As a motorist, you should stop and pull to the right prior to an intersection and always yield to all public safety vehicles turning left. Always make sure all public safety vehicles have passed before proceeding.
Stationary Public Safety Vehicles with Lights:
When approaching any stationary public safety vehicle that is displaying flashing lights, a driver need to slow down and move as far to the left as the road conditions will allow while passing the public safety vehicle. Motorists must change lanes away from the public safety vehicle if traveling on a multilane highway. If motorists are unable to change lanes safely, or if traveling on a two-lane highway, they must slow down and proceed with caution.
"It's About Safety"