Grader Patching
Use a motor grader, tandem roller, and dump trucks to patch areas on our roads. Approximately 6000 tons of asphalt will be used throughout the county, weather permitting. We will start halfway through May and continue though September. The work is all done in house, above and beyond contract work.
Chip and Seal
We use a self propelled stone chipper, a rubber-tired roller, dump trucks, and a tar distributor. We chip and seal approximately 50 miles of road per year. Weather permitted we try to start mid July and finish mid August.
*Both of these are moving operations. Traffic control is conducted by a front and rear flag person using vehicles and portable radios. Please be Careful!
All roads maintained by the County are checked regularly. Patch crews are sent out when needed.
Guard Rail
We repair guardrail as needed when someone damages it due to an accident. If the guardrail is of a special design then we will have the company repair it.
We begin to prepare for the season in mid-April which consists of collecting all the necessary equipment and repairing any mowers that need attention. Then, by the second or third week of May, depending on the weather we will begin mowing. Each day during the season we have 3 mowers which have three routes apiece to cover in a typical day. These mowing operations take place all throughout the county concentrating on ditches and other county owned land. Concerning the ditches, the operators only mow from the berm to the center of the ditch, plus they will mow up and around the intersections (as long as they are not too wet.) Additionally, the operators will mow around any extra grass around the highways and county owned roads, including several road ditches.
We currently have a program to spray the guardrails on county roadways unless they are marked not to spray. This usually happens in June or July. Also, every two to three years we spray the entire County roadside, unless marked not to spray.
We do a tree run during the summer, mainly during July and August when the leaves are full of green. This procedure helps to determine which trees are half dead or completely gone. For everyone's safety we try to find the property owner and let them know we will be removing the tree. To follow up, we go back in the winter months and remove them, unless they are a current danger, we will then remove them immediately. Also, homeowners are asked to call the county garage promptly if they feel that one of the trees on their property is a danger.
Once a month we do a brush run, which includes checking all county roadway for loose brush or limb on the ground. During the winter months from about November to April we go out to roads and various places to trim back brush that interferes with the roadway and hits moving vehicles.
Weed Eating
This program is set up to improve weed control around guardrails, intersections, bridges, road culverts, and also assists in making the mowing around the signs an easier task. Getting rid of the weeds makes the area that was mowed look a lot nicer, and this program can get to places that the mower cannot.
We pick up litter with either one or two crews during the months of May until August; we usually get around the county twice a summer. We have some areas that are Adopt-A-Highway, where groups or individuals volunteer to pick up these areas three or four times a year.
If you have any questions or comments in these areas you may contact the engineers office at 329-5590 or 329-5591